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About Us

Over the years, this professional lab has been working Csmeer’s professional salon hair anti-aging and damage to in-depth study, after studied more than 500 types of red wine analysis and extraction in 43 wineries in France, successfully extracted hair against the anti-aging renewable bio-energy. In 1993, the hair care brand Csmeer’s was born, which was the first one to take research and development of red wine polyphenols.


After 1998, Csmeer’s gradually expand to the entire European market and has been the rapid development; Csmeer’s gives the impression that the brand upscale, elegant, professional, reliable and quality, was 25 years old -35 years old mature sensible consumer group of cognition.

In 2006, Csmeer’s take the lead in Asia, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and listed by the local popularity of professional salon and its customers have achieved a great success;


In September 2008, Csmeer’s was officially introduced into China mainland, with a professional market and service teams, Csmeer’s business network was developed quickly in major cities throughout mainland China.